Resoling Cowboy Boots – Everything you need to know 2024

Being able to resole Cowboy boots is one good reason to have them in your wardrobe.

resoling cowboy boots
Photo by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz

The sole is built to withstand tough conditions, but it can get damaged over time. 

Don’t worry if your favorite pair of cowboy boots are broken! They can be easily resoled and worn for many years to come. 

Unlike other shoes which can be simply disposed of once they wear out, it’s hard to get rid of cowboy boots after investing some serious cash on them. 

Discovering that I could get my cowboy boots resoled was a huge weight off my shoulders. Today, let’s explore the choices you have for giving your beloved boots a new lease on life.

Can You Resole Cowboy Boots?

This is the biggest question that many beginner cowboy boot wearers have. Well, the answer to this question is, YES. Cowboy boots can be resoled and brought back to life. 

Cowboy boots are built to go the distance, and usually, it’s the sole that takes the first hit because it’s the part that is in contact with the ground. The cool part? Resoling your boots is a walk in the park for a skillful cobbler, and they can knock it down in no time.

You could also replace the sole at home using a sole repair kit, but I do not recommend it because I haven’t tried them, plus it’s always better to go to a professional. 

You can usually give most leather-soled boots a new lease on life with a resole, but there’s a hitch. Some cowboy boots rocking a rubber sole can’t hop on the resoling train because of the cement bonding the upper to the sole. However, rubber soles last much longer and the need for resoling them is less common.

Signs Your Cowboy Boots Need Resoling

You don’t have to be a genius to know if it is time to replace the sole in your cowboy boots.

Here are some of the most common signs telling you that your boots need resoling.

1. Visible Wear and Tear

Inspect the soles of your cowboy boots. It might be time for a new sole if you notice significant wear around the heel or ball area. Cracks, thinning, and uneven surfaces are clear indicators that the sole has seen better days.

2. Reduced Traction

Cowboy boots are designed to provide traction and stability. If you find yourself slipping more frequently, it’s likely due to worn-out soles. Reduced traction not only affects your safety but also accelerates sole degradation.

3. Uneven Soles

The soles of your boots can start to lose their shape over time. When the sole changes shape, it affects how comfortable and stable your boots are, making each step feel less supportive.

4. Discomfort While Wearing

When your feet, legs, or back start aching while you’re in your cowboy boots, it might be because the old soles aren’t giving you the support you need. This discomfort often crops up when the cushioning and support wear down due to the worn-out soles.

5. Water Leakage 

When you realize your boots aren’t keeping water out like they used to, it could be because of cracks in the soles. If water’s finding its way through, it’s a pretty clear signal that the soles might not be holding up as they should.

Also read: How To Waterproof Cowboy Boots – 5 Best Ways

6. Increased Noise

If your boots start making flapping or clicking sounds while walking, it might mean there’s something loose or detached in the sole. It’s not just about the noise; it could signal some structural issues that deserve your attention.

Resoling not only extends the lifespan of your boots but also ensures continued comfort and support for your feet.

Full Sole vs Half Sole Replacement

Full Sole Replacement involves completely removing the old sole and replacing it with a new one. It’s an extensive process that requires stitching or adhering the new sole to the boot’s welt. This approach restores the boots to a nearly new condition and provides comprehensive support.

When your boots have minor damage, going for a Half Sole Replacement is a smart move. It means only replacing the front or rear part of the sole, which is a cost-effective option. This helps keep your boots’ structure intact, especially when the damage is only in one specific area.

Both of these options should be a no-brainer for a skilled cobbler. 

I would suggest you replace the entire sole if you notice signs of wear and scuffs in the heel. This will not only restore your boot but also give it a fresh appearance

Resoling Cowboy Boots vs New?

Deciding whether to resole your cowboy boots or buy new ones can depend on a few factors:

Consider Resoling If:

  • Your boots mean a lot to you or they’re top-notch in quality, giving them a new lease on life through resoling can keep them around for much longer.
  • The upper part of the boot is in good shape and only the soles are worn. 
  • Your boots are custom or vintage boots, and may be irreplaceable.

Buy A New Pair If:

  • The upper part of the boots is also damaged or, if there are structural issues beyond the soles.
  • The cost of resoling might be comparable to the price of a new pair.
  • You’re seeking a different style or want to keep up with the latest trends, 

5 Tips to prevents damage to cowboy boot soles

1. Clean and condition them regularly

After wearing your boots, use a soft-bristled brush to remove dirt and debris from the soles. This prevents the accumulation of abrasive particles that can wear down the sole over time.

Use a sole conditioner or oil designed for the specific material of your boots. This maintains the suppleness of the sole and prevents it from becoming dry and brittle, thereby reducing the risk of cracking or early damage.

Also read: How to clean and condition leather cowboy boots

2. Have several pairs of boots

Rotating between different pairs of boots is a good trick to extend their lives. It allows each to air out and regain shape and a chance to dry out from accumulated moisture from wear. 

3. Find a comfy spot for your boots

Storing your boots in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight is yet another way to show some love for your boots. Extreme temperatures can affect the materials and adhesives, which can potentially cause damage to the sole or detachment in worse cases.

4. Use protective sole covers

Consider using rubber or protective sole covers to shield the soles, especially if you frequently walk on rocky surfaces. These covers act as a shield, preserving the original sole underneath.

5. Invest in a quality pair of cowboy boots

Well-constructed boots can handle more wear and tear. Investing in boots made with durable materials and solid construction can extend the lifespan of the soles, reducing the frequency of repairs.

By implementing these practices, you can effectively protect and maintain the soles of your cowboy boots, ensuring they remain in good condition and minimizing the need for premature resoling or repairs.


How Much Does It Cost For Resoling Cowboy Boots?

Resoling your boots usually costs between $50 to $200 per pair in USA. 

Getting a completely new sole is on the pricier side of this range. However, simple fixes like heel replacements often fall on the $50 end. 

Have a chat with your cobbler to get a better idea on how much it’s going to cost for your resole.  

How many times can you resole a cowboy boot?

Leather-soled cowboy boots are usually candidates for resoling around five times throughout their life cycle. Well-maintained cowboy boots can endure for more than a decade, and typically, if they’re worn daily, you might find yourself looking to replace the soles approximately every two years.

However, this projection hinges on frequent use. If your beloved cowboy boots are mostly for special occasions or occasional outings like line dancing just a couple of times each month, you might not even require a resoling job, perhaps not even once.

Can I resole cowboy boots at home?

Resoling cowboy boots is not as easy as using shoe goo to put your sneaker’s sole together. The resoling process requires a lot of skills, craftsmanship, and specialized tools in order to get a neat outcome. Therefore, I would say it’s not advisable to resole cowboy boots at home.

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